Friday, September 4, 2009

post apocalyptic weapon design 101...

Here's the originals for Fallout 3. Not to be megalomaniacal since everyone here made this game happen, but these two weapon designs are very special and dear to me... 'Scuse me, got something in my eye here, 'snif, snif'.. Ahem. See below for the continued magic as people I've never met in faraway places actually went ahead and fabricated them so they could be gleefullybrandished in pleasant public settings.
I hope they weathered up that hotel lobby with some empties....


Jeremias Janikow said...

Hey! great work! i love this game and his weapons design. Im an argentinian illustrator and i like very much draw robots. Hi from Buenos Aires.

Laurent D.W. said...


Very good rifle

A.D.O. (France)

PS : Nuka cola for ever...